Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Psychology Lab Calendar Setup Instructions

These Instructions are for Southern Cross University Psychology Students trying to access the lab booking Calendars for the Psychology Labs at Coffs Harbour Education Campus.


You must be subscribed to the calendar by the calendar administrators first or none of this will work.  Send a request to Duncan if you need to change labs or have not received an email about this.

These instructions are written with a computer or tablet in mind. If you are on a phone using an outlook app, you may need to follow along as best you can, but some of the instructions about the location of the buttons on the screen will be wrong.

Step 1. Open the Outlook Web Client (Your Uni web email)

Step 2. Select the "Calendar" option on the top right of the screen.

Step 3.  On the lower left of the screen will be a "My Calendars" panel.  Right Click in there and select "Open Calendar" from the options.

Step 4. In the "From Directory" box, enter the start of the Calendar Name you were sent via email. This will trigger the search functionality.

Step 5. Click on the "Search Contacts and Directory" option.  This should open a list of possible room calendars. From which you can pick the Calendar you want to subscribe to.

Step 6.  Now click the "Open" Button

Step 7.  You should now see the calendar down in your lower left "My Calendars" panel.

Tada!  You can now start to use the calendar.


1.  The Calendar does not appear in the directory search
 Chances are this needs fixing. Contact Duncan or CHECiT.

2. Once you have opened the calendar, you cannot create or edit new appointments
 Again, something is broken deep inside the calendars and you should contact Duncan or CHECiT.

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