Thursday, 5 June 2014

Random Stimuli Sequences

When is a sequence of stimuli "Random" enough?

Students often have a "pre-conceived" idea of what they think "Random" looks like.  Which if you think about it for a second is interesting in itself.  (Go look up Apophenia)

The correct answer is: When then sequence appears to have no pattern perceivable by the participant!

Note that this is not the same as "No pattern perceivable to the researcher".  The researcher is often conditioned to the sequence simply by their understanding of the research design and having tested the experiment a few (or hundreds) of times.  Their brain is already trying to detect patterns in the sequence.  This is what brains do.  

This is always in contrast to a naive participant who will only experience the sequence once.  (If you design calls for repeated measures... different design)

What are the options?

Random Sequence With replacement

Imagine a bag that contains all the possible sequence items,  reach in and take an item without looking,  record the item and then return it to the bag.  Repeat as needed. 

This method uses a sampling mechanism of reaching blindly into a bag.  This means that each sample is independant.

For example, if we have  possible items in the bag (5,9,4,2,7), then a sequence of five samples could be any of the following:





While these sequences that appear to be patterns are "legal" and can quite possibly be generated using this mechanism, there are  5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 (3125) possible different sequences that could be generated. 

Much like a coin-walk,  the distribution of the items in this random system will approch being perfectly even.... as the sample size grows... but it will not be anything like even at small sample sizes. Keep in mind that for any participant, who expereinces the sequence once, this is a sample size of 1... I.e lots of noise in the distribution. . Due to this fact, these sequences that appear to have a pattern are generally not what the researchers "want" to see.  And while this is still a very effective mechanism for generating the stimuli sequence, the possiblity of there appearing to be a pattern can mess with the researchers head. 

Random Sequence Without Replacement

Imagine a bag that contains all the possible sequence items,  reach in and take an item without looking, record that item but do not return it to the bag.  Now pick the next item from those remaining in the bag.  Obviously the bag will eventually be exhausted.  (At which point your sequence may be finished, or you may return all items to the bag and start again)

For instance, again with our items of ( 5,9,4,2,7), some sequences could be



There are 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 (120) possible sequences if we are creating five item sequences.

If we are creating say a ten item sequence, then we would run this method twice. 

i.e 2,4,5,7,9,7,5,9,2,4

Which would give us a possible  120 * 120 ( 14400 ) possible sequences.

This mechanism will generate sequences that do not have the same possibility of repetition of items as the first mechanism. 

The distribution of items in this method is much closer to even at small sample sizes and so creates a safe feeling for the researchers.  However, keep in mind that where the number of items in the bag is small, this can create a repeating sequence that the participants can still detect.  (7 plus or minus 2 being a useful rule of thumb for the number of items a person can remember )

Generally, if the number of sequence items is less than 9, the participant can start to anticipate by elimination what item may come next.  This is unavoidable, as its part of the "normal" function of the brain. The longer the sequence runs... the better they will feel at this.  (This does not mean they will be right... but over time, it can be better than chance for people who are good at this task)

So what is the best mechanism to generate your stimuli sequence?

Well this gets tricky because often stimuli sequences involve repetition of some items, some contains distractor items with their own frequency, others may include cueing rules and other rules for follow order.  Some sequences include "idiot check" items, some are trying to cause patterns and anticipation, while others are trying to control for these effects.... some have blocks of similar stimuli, some have intruders, control blocks and neutral effect stimuli.  There are as many permutations as there are researchers and research design.

Find some experts and talk it over.  There is a sequence generator for you out there.

The biggest problem however is when the right generator has been build and verified and the researcher says "I don't think its random enough...."

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

SCU Interlectual Property Rights in Research Projects

Optical Illustion Resources

Copyright, Video and Model Releases for Research Purposes

The current copyright legal framework.   The general rule is you need to obtain permission to use from the rights holder.  This may include payment for the license to use.  There are some exemptions under the copyright act for education and research purposes. 


Fair dealing for purpose of research or study

 There are various issues that have arisen since the copyright act was written (digital technology) that are more complex to argue.  There are proposals to change the copyright system, but it has not yet reached the legislation stage.  

ALRC Proposals to change Copyright - Educational Use section

Copyright and the Digital Economy (DP 79) 5 June 2013

Fair Use and various examples...

Taking Photographs/Video for use in research projects need an SCU model release form signed by the model. This needs to be archived with your project records.

Talent Release /Permission to Use Form

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Survey Design - Participant Information Sheets

The following is a good template for a functional participant information sheet:  (Your milage may vary) This follows the format in the ethics application docs.

Research Title: SOME TITLE HERE

My name is *Researcher Name* and I am conducting research, under the supervision of *Suerpvisor Name*, as part of the Honours year of the Bachelor of Psychology degree at Southern Cross University. My research project investigates the *very brief description*

What does this research involve?

*Description of the process from the participants point of view...* This questionnaire will include questions about your .... This questionnaires should take approximately 20 minutes so overall. All data collection can be done from any computer with internet access. What time of day you decide to complete the questionnaire is completely up to you.

Responsibilities of the Researcher

It is our responsibility as the researchers to provide you with sufficient information to understand the implications of participation in the research. Your participation in the study is voluntary. To ensure anonymity...... Demographic details, such as age and sex, will be linked to the data. We will keep data and consent forms securely in a Psychology Office at SCU for seven years, after which time they will be destroyed. On completion of participation in the study, we are happy to provide you with a summary of the results if you provide contact details. We are unable to provide information on individual scores or provide any clinical advice.

Responsibilities of the Participant

The measures used in the study require that participants have normal or corrected-to-normal vision and hearing. Although there have been no reports of adverse reactions to the methods used in this project, if at any time you are bothered by the experience of recording your emotions or thinking about personality variables during the online component we are asking that you access support as you require. We will give you contact details for the SCU Counselling Service, but you may choose to contact your GP or other sources of support if necessary. As the tasks involved in this project require that you log on the internet, we are looking for participants who:
  • have access to a computer
  • are fluent in English
  • are at least 18 years of age.

Possible Discomforts and Risks

This research is considered very low risk. It is possible that reflecting on your mood or personality may cause you concern. If you are distressed as a result of participating in this research, you are advised to contact a counsellor (e.g., SCU Counselling Service, (02) 6659 3263, or by email on or other forms of support of your choosing. You are welcome to discontinue your involvement at any time without any negative consequences.

Publication of Results of this Research

The findings of this research may be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals or presented at conferences. A complete account of the findings of this research will be available at the Southern Cross University Library at a later stage. No identifying information will be included as all participants will just be referred to by a number.

Informed Consent

Participation in this research is voluntary. Your agreement to participate will be assumed from your completion of the survey. You are free to withdraw your consent and participation from the study at any time. Your decision will be treated with respect, no questions will be asked and there will be no negative consequences associated with your withdrawal. All your data will be destroyed immediately.


Any questions you may have regarding this research can be directed to the researcher or research supervisor.
*Supervisor Name here*
School of Health and Human Sciences
Southern Cross University,
Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450
Ph: *****

Student Researcher Details
*Researcher Name Here*
Southern Cross University
Coffs Harbour Campus NSW 2450
Email: *****

This research has been approved by the Southern Cross University Human Research Ethics Committee. The approval number is: ******.

If you have concerns about the ethical conduct of the research, please write to:
The Ethics Complaints Officer, Southern Cross University
PO Box 157
NSW 2480
email: ******

 Do you give Consent

By pressing the "Next" button, you consent to your data being used in this project. Remember you can withdraw at any time simply by closing the survey window. 

Survey Questions on Gender

Question:  How to ask demographics questions about gender.

The scenario:  You are creating a survey that includes a demographics section and asks about the gender of the participant.  You are interested in equity and diversity as dictated by the policy of the University and respecting your participants rights under state and federal Law....

Old form of the question:

What is your gender?
A) Female
B) Male

Whats changed? The Australian High Court has upheld the right of individuals to be identified as being of "non-specific" gender. Note that this is a NSW specific issue, but other states are working on their own legislation.

New form of the question:

What is your gender?
A) Female
B) Male
C) Non-specific

Please note that this is not nearly as inclusive as it could be, but its a step forward.   There are more issues here that need attention if you are a social researchers.

  • Distinction between public and private gender 
  • Self selected terms used to identify current gender state
  • Distinction between physical gender expression and social gender/role expression
  • Distinction between biological gender (DNA) and physical gender expression
  • Gender Role descriptions

 As always, with survey design, there is a tention between asking a question to shape the answers given for the conveinence of the researcher and asking a question to be as inclusive as possible.  If your question format is categorical (multiple choice) then you may need to include an "Other" text entry box to fully capture the range of answers your sample population may choose to respond with.