Friday, 23 May 2014

Resources for Digital Researchers

Below are the most useful tools I have found for dealing with the "Digital Researcher" problem.

SCU "Official" University Publications Managment System

These are the minimum systems you need to get set up to be "official".

ePublications@SCU (Division of Research is the gatekeeper - Submit Pub here)
Personal Researcher Pages at SCU  ( This is a "Managed" system so you can create the profile but SCU will "Control" it.  Create the profile here )
Staff Directory ( Update your listing here )

Academic Social Networks (Also for Publication Management)

Both the following systems are useful.  I prefer RG for the pubs management and for the discovery system for other interesting stuff. 


Publication Managment via Researcher Identity Numbers

At some point you will need to register for one or all of these to submit publications to a journal.  ORCID seems to be the top of the pile.  They are interacting well with each other so they are all linked together. I recomend starting with ORCID.

Google Scholar

General Purpose Social Networks



Blogger via a Google account