Thursday, 13 December 2012

Psychology Lab Highschool Student Visit

A group of local Coffs Harbour highschool students visited the Psychology Labs in mid December 2012 and had an entertaining time exploring some of the systems and experiments we have set up.  I call these type of tours a "Walk and Talk Tour", however they tend to be more a "Stop and Play Tour" that would go on all day if they were not chased out the door.

As usual there was lots of playing with the motion capture system and general touching and exploration of some of the other sytems.

The rubber hand illusion was a big success along with the VR lab set up for playing Wii Tennis.

We demonstated a number of the experiments that the 2012 cohort of honours students had conducted through the year and gave the students a brief overview of the purpose of the experiment.  It's alway entertaining working through the logic of hypothesis testing and how that relates to the style of knowledge that the students are used to being force fed.

Lots of fun for everyone involved.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Final Submission of 2012 Cohort

The last of the 2012 students have submitted.... whoot. Everyone made it through.